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Positive Expiratory Pressure training with the PEP mask and the Groovtube

A PEP mask consists of a breathing mask, a three-way piece and a resistance. The breathing mask goes over the user’s nose and mouth. Due to the resistance, less air can be exhaled and the pressure in the lungs builds up after a number of repetitions. This allows air to get behind mucus better and allows the mucus to be moved during a forceful exhalation (huffing).
The combination of a PEP mask and the Groovtube makes pepping accessible and fits perfectly with the experiences of children. This makes it easier for them to maintain daily practice and do their exercises more efficiently. Moreover, it appears that the smallest children (from about 2 years old) are suddenly trainable.

PEPmasker en Groovtube instructie PDF – UMC Utrecht Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis
© Kinderbewegingscentrum
Erik Hulzebos, Maaike Sprong, Kim Kant-Smits